The DB2000 Series decoder chips are offered as an inexpensive decoding solution where a numeric, fixed length barcode can be used. The decoder decodes Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode in fixed lengths of 4 to 14 digits. Because of the characteristics of the Interleaved 2 of 5 code, use of a fixed length is always recommended to reduce the risk of false reads. Interleaved 2 of 5 has the advantage of being easy to print and produces a shorter barcode symbol than many other symbologies. Using the DB2000 chip, a minimal number of additional components is necessary to construct a decoder that will read and transmit barcode data via an RS-232 interface.
The DB2000 Series is designed to be incorporated into the users printed circuit board. The unit is available in either PLCC-44 or 40-pin DIP packages. No external memory or latch chips are required, keeping component count to a minimum. External circuitry includes a crystal, reset/watchdog chip such as a MAX824 or DS1232 and an RS-232 communications chip like the MAX232 ot LT1080. A general application circuit is shown below. Good circuit layout practices are required when designing a circuit board, including a decoupling capacitor close to the Vcc and Ground pins.
Power: +5VDC±5%@25ma. Max.
Digital Input: TTL Level Signal, Bar = +
Baud Rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
Parity: Mark, Space, Even or Odd
Stop Bits: 1 or 2
Handshaking: RTS/CTS
Code Types: Interleaved 2 of 5
Code Lengths: 4 to 14 Characters
Temperature: Operating: 0° to 70°C
Storage: -40° to 70°C
Part Numbers are: DB2000-XX
Where XX is the length of code to be decoded. It is a two digit number between 04 and 14. Example: a CB2000-10 decodes a 10 digit interleaved 2 of 5 code.